How does the TimeSkipper platform work?
Integration and modeling
of external data
Organizational modeling
and optimization
Control and management modules

1. Data integration
and modeling
The platform allows modeling and integration of real and estimated data flows, such as:
- Data acquisition (product inflows and HR data) is carried out through interfaces with supply systems, HRIS and/or Work Force Management…
- Product sales forecasts are made using our AI planning tool which has the in-built ability to integrate external data (weather forecasts, special events, trade fairs, strikes, etc.) or retrieve it from our partners’ own AI platforms.
2. Organizational modeling and optimization
The platform is flexible and allows fast modeling of sales outlets’ activities.
Activities are structured into processes, tasks and basic operations.
A sophisticated algorithm has been designed to optimize employees’ working time.
3. Control and management modules
1. Daily management module
Objectives : to allow managers to organize employees’ daily tasks, taking into account the variations in outlet activity (number of customers, volume of sales and products to be processed, sales operations, promotional campaigns, etc.)
2. Report module
Objectives : to allow managers and managing departments to reorganize teamwork and reallocate misused working hours.
4. Other features
Profiles management and administration, multilingual feature
TimeSkipper manages all types of user profile: employees, managers, store managers, regional departments, etc. Each profile can be personalized and choose its own working language.

Daily management module

Report module
Want to know more about
our management platform? TimeSkipper
Want to know more about our management platform?
Why use Timeskipper ?
A rapid

and simple
to master

operational within
a few days
with sales outlet managers in mind

for and by
to local

Flexible: local needs are integrated while maintaining brand principles
is addressed

A managerial platform that takes employees’ experience and any disabilities into account
A mobile
and “multi-device”
brand solution

Teams and managers remain available as they can use TimeSkipper directly in-store
Our algorithm integrates the specifics of your business

Our high-performance algorithm means you can allocate various priorities, products, flexibilities, working hours and tasks on a multiple basis
activity planning
for every day

The planning module integrates daily activity variations and can take any real-time contingencies (e.g. a late delivery) or unforeseen absences into account
for managers

TimeSkipper tracks and analyzes unoccupied or overloaded working hours, as well workload distribution of a task per employee, per team and per day

Take the right decisions about team work reorganization and reallocation of misused working hours.
With TimeSkipper, you will fill more than 50 % of your sales outlets’ empty time slots
Support and implementation

TimeSkipper : achieve your goals with motivated and empowered team members. It is essential to include the human element in organizational management. Employees benefit from greater workload transparency through fairer and more balanced allocation of tasks.
An inclusive method: involving management with the implementation of the platform.
A two-phase training
1. Learning how to use the platform.
2. Learning how to use reports to take reorganization decisions, reallocate resources, and reassign misused working hours.
Complementary TeamSkipper offer:
Strengthen your management leadership and command techniques with the participation of an Army General and an actor-director. Learn how to improve your people management skills to better serve your employees and customers using TeamSkipper.