Drive-ins: how to manage order preparation teams better?
In recent years, the rise of drive-in food retail has been a genuine growth factor for points of sale, but it does not cost them any less! Indeed, the staff costs linked to preparing and delivering orders are high, and there's no way this cost can be billed to the final customer. This is a major blow to profitability!
The answer to this economic model's fragility lies in the ability to synchronise order preparation with the time slots dedicated to making products available to customers (slotting) while respecting the promise to have ordered items delivered on time. To achieve this, it's essential to manage the workload correctly and guarantee an optimal employee occupancy rate. We're talking about task management... the trick is to know how to do it when it comes to drive-in activities!
Timeskipper presents its new feature dedicated to forecasting and prioritising drive-in tasks to manage your point of sale better. Explanations...